
January 9, 2022

Building Homestead in 2022

There are two parts to the Homestead product: a base box named Laravel Settler and a run time Laravel Homestead. From the Settler repo, we’re able to build base boxes Homestead, Homestead-ARM, and Homestead-MariaDB. You need Packer and a Virtualization provider. You can likely build Homestead base boxes for Virtualbox, Parallels, and sometimes Hyper-V and VMware. You'll want to clone...

vagrant homestead opensource applesilicon


October 30, 2021

Homestead Officially Supports Apple Silicon M1

October 19th, 2021 I received an email notification about a new $2,100 one time sponsorship through GitHub Sponsors program. Someone took me up on my offer to build Homestead on Apple Silicon. I'm happy to announce that Laravel Homestead now supports Apple Silicon by using the homestead-arm base box with the parallels provider. This would have been impossible without...

vagrant homestead opensource applesilicon


October 14, 2021

Getting Takeout with Homestead

With the release of Homestead Base box Tighten's Takeout is now included by default. Takeout is a cli tool for creating general use Docker containers. Homestead has supported Docker since it's early days however takeout makes it incredibly convenient to create services via Docker instead of having to install and configure the service directly in the virtual machine. Why would you want to use...

learning vagrant homestead docker


June 17, 2019

Explaining Laravel Settler

If you view the of the Laravel Settler repository you’ll likely notice the not so inviting “You probably don’t want this repo”. While I try to be as inviting as I can across all open source repositories this one has always been a bit of the exception. The reason for this is because Settler has no continuous integration or continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline....

projects laravel homestead


April 19, 2019

Shifting Homestead

No, not quite the Laravel Shift you may be thinking of. Shifting Homestead means we are taking some features that are currently baked into Laravel Settler and moving them to be installed on demand from Laravel Homestead as configuration items. If you don’t use these features you may never notice a change at all. If you are using any of these features you might notice your first "vagrant up"...

laravel homestead projects


June 24, 2015

How I use Laravel Homestead everyday

How I use Homestead in my Laravel (and non-Laravel) Applications I feel like I've been talking about homestead a lot lately. I feel like Vagrant is such an important part of a developer's workflow. If you are still using MAMP, WAMP, or installing Virtual Machines manually you are wasting so much of your own time (and your clients money) by not using prebuilt development environments. Homestead...

homestead laravel vagrant


June 20, 2015

Install Homestead into your project

I've previously shared a project I built that allowed you to easily add the Laravel Homestead vagrant environment into your project. My goal with the package was to give an easy way of installing the core homestead files into your project needed to have an isolated vagrant machine. I pinged Taylor Otwell about possibly adding this sort of functionality to the homestead application itself. This...

homestead laravel php vagrant
