
November 7, 2018

Adding MySQL 8 support to Laravel Homestead

My friend Beau Simensen has been doing awesome stuff building and streaming his work on He's inspired me to start streaming again and last night I spent some time adding a feature to Laravel Homestead to add MySQL 8 as an option. Video from the live stream:

devops linux php projects ubuntu vagrant


May 15, 2018

Getting Lucky With Crystal in Homestead

I'm going to open this post with an apology for anyone who's corporate firewall gets triggered by this URL, but I just couldn't resist the title. A few days ago a random internet stranger (Rid) showed up in the Larachat Slack #homestead-dev room. This is about the best real time chat support for Homestead. Rid proceeds to ask about building something like Homestead for the framework he was...

devops projects ubuntu vagrant


February 6, 2018

Homestead Welcomes Z-Ray by Zend

Since the release of Homestead version 7.1.0 and base box version 5.1.0 Homestead now supports the Zend Z-Ray plugin for PHP 7.2. You can start leveraging the power of Z-Ray in your application with a small changes to your Homestead project. First make sure you have updated Homestead to v7.1.0 of the Homestead repo and version 5.1.0 of the base box. You can check what versions of the base box...

devops laravel linux php projects zend zray


September 25, 2017

How to lose me as a customer

I have been subjecting my twitter followers to some rather cryptic ranting about DigitalOcean (DO) lately. I’ve been a DO customer since February 2016 when I moved from Linode to DO. I don’t do a lot with my virtual private servers (VPS). I host about 15 WordPress installations for various projects (Mostly family and friends sites). I run several command line applications that eat up a chunk...

devops linux projects


October 13, 2016

ZendCon 2016 Laravel Tutorial Information

If you are planning on coming to this tutorial there are a few things you'll want to have pre-installed to make the most of the tutorial. If you want to follow along and run all of the examples you will need to bring a laptop running a current version of Linux or Mac OS. VirtualBox 5.1.x VirtualBox 5.1.x Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack Vagrant 1.8.6 PHP 5.6.x or higher (7 is fine!)...

conferences devops laravel linux speaking ubuntu


September 5, 2016

Madison PHP Conference 2016 -- Dev Environments with Vagrant

I'm excited to be going back to Madison PHP Conference this year to give a tutorial "Create Your Own Local Development Environments With Vagrant". If you are planning on coming to this tutorial there are a few things you'll want to have pre-installed to make the most of the tutorial. If you want to follow along and run all of the examples you will need to bring a laptop running a current...

conferences devops linux speaking ubuntu vagrant


December 8, 2015

Installing PHP 5.6.x on CentOS 5.11

Install Nginx, PHP 5.6.15 and PHP-FPM on CentOS 5.11 I know... I know. But I had to figure it out. So here's what made it happen: Starting Point: Install Extra Repos: Enable Repos and install nginx and php: I had to install php-pear and php-pecl-json before the big install because I was getting warnings: Final Result: Your milage may vary. I hope no one ever needs this.

devops linux php


October 23, 2015

ZendCon 2015 Thoughts

ZendCon 2015 was my first ZendCon experience. I was selected to give two talks, "Laravel Forge: Hello World to Hello Production" and "DevOps for Small Teams". This was my first time giving the updated talk about Forge which also includes a basic Envoyer review and I feel like the talk went really well. Attendees seemed to enjoy it and a lot of people told me afterward they enjoyed the talk. I...

community conferences devops laravel php speaking


August 6, 2015

Upload Test Artifacts From Travis-CI to Amazon AWS S3

I've spent a lot of time the past few days trying to get test artifacts to upload to Amazon's AWS S3. I've also spent a lot of time correcting typos from "artifcats" to "artifacts". I'm not sure what an "artifcat" is, but I know what a test artifact is. A test artifact is some file that is created during a test. In my specific case it's the _output folder from my Codeception acceptance tests....

laravel testing aws devops s3 testing


May 18, 2015

Using Laravels Homestead from your project

I love Laravel's Homestead environment. I've been using it since it was first released and have found it incredibly handy. I often use it for non-Laravel uses as well. It's a great PHP 5.6+ / nginx / MySQL vagrant box. With Homestead version 2, Homestead was changed to run from your home folder and it pushed you more towards using one Homestead machine for all of your Laravel projects. This is...

devops laravel php vagrant


July 16, 2014

Laravel Forge post to Slack channel on deploy

Update! Added github info from We've been using Slack at the day job for a couple of months now and one of the first things I did was start playing with integrations, mainly bitbucket to post to a slack channel so we can see what everyone is working on. We are also using Laravel Forge for a custom application and I love the automatic deployments on branch...

devops laravel php


November 11, 2013

Speed up Vagrant Provisioning with vagrant-cachier

At my day job I work on a proprietary CMS written in PHP. I've been working on building our Vagrant box to allow our developers to have local dev environments without us having to use resources on or live server or have to have our own machines configured to run the CMS. Since I can't show you that box, but found a cool way to cut down the ‘vagrant up' time... I'm going to show you this...

linux vagrant devops linux provisioning vagrant
