php[world] Training Day Requirements

Joe • July 6, 2017

conferences laravel speaking

I am giving a full day of Laravel Training before the main php[world] conference. To fully participate in the training exercises you'll want to follow the directions below. Please reach out to me if you have any issues. Laravel Valet is a fine solution if you’d prefer not to have to install Virtualbox or Vagrant. I will not be able to fully support everyone’s configuration so to create the best experience for all attendees you should use the following as a set up guide if you are not familiar with setting up a web server and related services on your system.

Operating System Support:

If you want to follow along and run all of the examples you will need to bring a laptop running a current version of Linux or Mac OS or Windows.

Applications Installed:

Laravel Homestead

Read and follow the installation instructions in this document --

The most important thing to do before the conference is run this command:

vagrant box add laravel/homestead

Testing Homestead:

Create a new Laravel project and require homestead, make the homestead configuration and then vagrant up.

composer create-project -- prefer-dist laravel/laravel test-laravel
cd test-laravel
composer require -- dev laravel/homestead
./vendor/bin/homestead make
vagrant up

These commands should run without any errors.

When you're done, you can destroy the environment by:

vagrant destroy -f
cd ..
rm -rf test-laravel

Thanks for reading, I look forward to seeing you at training day, if you have any problems or errors as you worked through this please feel free to leave me a comment below.