Homestead Fifty Six Vagrant based development environment

Current Version

  • Homestead Fifty Six: 1.0.0-beta.1
  • Base Box: 1.0.0-beta.1

The Homestead Fifty Six Project is built on top of and extends much of the Laravel Homestead project. Homestead Fifty Six strives to provide a PHP 5.6 compatible development environment that is easy to use. As long as Ubuntu repositories exist with old versions this project will continue to provide stable development environment builds.


Homestead Fifty Six is based on and works very similarly to Laravel Homestead. The primary difference between the projects is Homestead Fifty Six continues to support older versions of tools to help developers who may still need more time to upgrade their projects.

Homestead Fifty Six will not be compatible with or maintain feature parity with Laravel Homestead. This document will highlight the differences in usage of Homestead Fifty Six as it differs in comparison to Laravel Homestead.