Acceptance and Functional Testing with Codeception -- SunshinePHP 2016

Joe • February 6, 2016

conferences php speaking testing
Screenshot 2016-02-06 12.23.31

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SunshinePHP 2016 was the second time I formally gave my Acceptance & Functional Testing with Codeception talk. I had built the talk from a handful of demo sessions at my local user group:

The first time I gave the talk was at DevSpaceConf in October 2015. I only had two attendees show up to the talk which turned out to be really awesome. I gave them a quite customized version of the talk and it was a great conversation.

As a speaker you want to fill a room, however smaller audiences can be more fluid allowing you to tailor the talk to a more narrow focus and it seems like the attendees benefit more from that. The talk becomes a conversation and interaction and can often lead to interesting discussions.

This session was a 60 minute time slot and I felt like I rushed through the first half of my slides faster than I would have liked, but the attendees had many great implementation questions for me to answer. The attendees gave a lot of positive feedback and I felt like the delivery was quite solid.

You can find a copy of my slides below:

Acceptance & Functional Testing with Codeception -- SunshinePHP 2016 from Joe Ferguson